4 Strategies to participate in Global Recycling Day

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: February 21, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging UK
  • Category: Blog

International Global Recycling Day was pioneered in 2018, by Ranjit S. Baxi, the president of BIR, to raise awareness about the significance of recycling in protecting our valuable natural resources and preserving the planet’s future. This is a day for the entire world to unite and pledge to priorities the planet.

With an increase in toxic waste creating environmental degradation, new international environmental instructions have prompted companies to not only preserve their products but also to add eco-friendly packaging. The four key marketing objectives of sustainable packaging are:

  • Product safety
  • Product advertising
  • Product consumption guidelines
  • Re-use and recycling.

As a result, firms must switch to biodegradable materials for their packaging requirements. There are four strategies that a company can implement to meet the needs of today’s “green target audience” and participate in the Global Recycling Day initiative:

1. Biodegradable alternatives of Plastic:

A business must employ biodegradable packaging that is not harmful to the environment. These materials are readily biodegraded and are a viable substitute for plastic.

Brands can incorporate such elements into their packaging by using bespoke packaging solutions, which create appealing packaging boxes based on the brand’s requirements and created the needed materials. Corrugated and Kraft paper are two common sustainable packaging materials. These materials equip your product with a choice of finishing options as well as strength and protection.

2. Awareness of Recycling Practices:

A company is well-versed in the material it has chosen for its packaging boxes. It is critical to provide the necessary reusing or recycling information on the box. This will raise awareness of the required information regarding package recycling so that it does not contribute to the waste ratio.

Companies can print amusing taglines like “Recycle me” or “I am paper-based” on custom biodegradable packaging, which can be a great approach to not only convey a brand’s stance toward environmental preservation but also boost recycling awareness among customers.

3. Recycled packaging materials:

The use of already recycled packaging materials such as paperboard is another approach to move toward sustainable packaging. Paper-board, often known as cardboard, is a thick, multi-layered material that provides packing strength and resistance.

For the transportation of their fragile products in paper-board containers, brands might use custom packaging services. Cardboard materials are not only environmentally friendly but may also be repurposed as storage boxes.

4. Packaging that fit your product:

The use of excessive packaging will not only leave a negative impression on the customer but will also jeopardies the safety of your goods. Packaging that is both robust and precise in its fit will keep your product stationed in one location, ensuring that it is properly safeguarded.

There are numerous bespoke packaging choices available on the market for brands to select from. Custom inserts can also be used in packaging by brands. Using a custom wholesale packaging manufacturer will also help you save money on manufacturing costs by reducing the likelihood of errors, resulting in reduced industrial waste.

Emenac Packaging UK can assist you in implementing these methods by delivering high-quality premium packaging boxes that are precisely fitted to your specific requirements. To protect the environment, we solely utilise paper-based packing materials.