Best Tips to Reduce the Cost of Packaging

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: August 23, 2019
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging UK
  • Category: Blog

Manufacturers often look for ways that can reduce material costs considerably. Many companies don’t to care to refine the product’s packaging and that’s why they bear high costs at the end.

Optimisation a unique style and design can save a good amount of money but you might need to compromise on the carbon footprint and superior product appearance. Globally, $150 are spent annually by the manufacturers on the product packaging and that’s is why the packaging industry is growing at a rate of 3.5 percent.

If you are a manufacturer who is looking for ways to save some money, here are some ways to reduce the packaging costs and save your business a good amount of money.

1-Make It Lighter:

Paperboard is used to create most of the packaging boxes that can get costly. However, if the product is fragile, the thickness or caliper of the packaging can be lessened. A good company will always provide you with thin boxes while protecting the products. Get lighter boxes and maintain the thickness as per the product’s safety requirements.

2-Go for Easy Packaging Styles:

Go for less costly styles such as one-piece box sleeve style or any other less costly option instead of pillow box, pyramid box or gable box style. A box style with more creativity and innovation will always cost you high. A simple and easy design that can assemble quickly will always cost you low.

3-Buying in Bulk:

Unless you have a startup, always order in bulk as it will save you a good amount of money. Always choose a vendor that will offer you good discounts on the bulk orders. In long-run or bulk orders, the supplied with giving you substantial discounts considering your loyalty and persistence.

4-Grab The Occasional Sales:

It’s better to place your orders on occasions when packaging companies are offering discounts and sales like President’s Day, New year’s Day, Columbus Day and Black Friday sales. Most companies offer 30% to 50% discounts on such occasions. It can be a chance for you to order and the desired boxes with the lowest costs.

5-Month End Purchase:

If you want to make sure that you get good packaging supplies to get through a high-volume and regular month, then don’t order at the start of the month. Companies often offer discounts at the end of the months so place your order at the end days. It will surely help you to save to a worthy amount of money.

6-Get Multiple Quotes and Compare Them Wisely:

Check the prices of 2-3 companies. Choose a company that is offering absolute good services at a reasonable price like Emenac Packaging. Some companies offer low prices and provide poor quality boxes so never compromise on the quality of the boxes while saving money.