How to Choose the Right Packaging Design in Just 4 Steps?

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: August 10, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging UK
  • Category: Blog

52% of the consumers say that striking designs of custom packaging boxes inspire them to spend money on the products. What does that mean for you? Your packaging design should be better and good! Otherwise, customers would walk away from your products and won’t make a purchase. Ultimately, leaving you with poor sales.

Is this what you want? Of course, not! So, let’s discuss the 4 steps and some pro-tips in this blog with the help of which you can pick the right packaging design for your boxes.

Here is How You Can Pick the Right Packaging Design:

Product packaging design basically refers to the formation of the exterior of packaging boxes. The process involves the selection of materials, colours, graphics, fonts, and laminations. Remember, packaging tells a story of the brand, and its enthralling designs can engage the customers through sight and tell customers so much about your company.

Hence, you need to choose your packaging design with a great deal of concentration. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Set Your Budget:

Determining your budget is the very first step you’ve to go through. This would help you know what material and which types of designs should you pick while making sure you don’t move out of your budget.

The materials you can choose for your packaging are listed below along with their level of affordability:

  • Sustainable Kraft boxes (affordable for all kinds of businesses)
  • Cardboard boxes (affordable for large and small-scale businesses)
  • Luxurious custom rigid boxes (affordable for every expensive product seller)
  • Corrugated boxes (affordable for all kinds of product sellers)

Consider your product’s nature and figure out which of the above type of boxes best suit your budget.

Now moving on toward the next step…

2. Collect Customer Demographics:

What use of designs would be if they fail to captivate your customers?  

Even if you’ve spent numerous dollars designing your custom packaging boxes, you won’t receive sales if your audience isn’t getting attracted to boxes. You’ve to learn what your customers like and what they dislike.

Of course, you can’t message or meet each one of your customers and ask them about their cultural preferences, dislikes, and likes. But, guess what? Creating customer demographics can help. This is a strategy that business owners use to collect their customers’ data through surveys.

Create your buyers’ persona with the help of online customer demographic survey templates. You can use for this purpose or any other related website. Once you’ve your customer demographics in hand, you can easily pick a box style and design that could inspire your customers.

3. Specify Your Brand Requirements:

If you’re selling products to senior citizens, you wouldn’t want to get vibrant and flashy coloured custom packaging boxes that would hurt your consumers’ eyes. Or if you’re selling toys, then you wouldn’t want the children to drive away just because of the sophisticated and not-so-creative designs.

Hence, pen down your requirements before choosing the box design. Here’re a few questions that you should ask yourself while highlighting your design requirements:

  • What are your audience’s preferences regarding designs and colours?
  • What colours align with your company’s logo?
  • Would you want to apply glossy lamination or matte lamination?
  • What would you prefer…logo embossing or logo debossing?  
  • Do want vibrant or soft colours on your boxes?

All done? Let’s see what’s next…

4. Find an Experienced Packaging Company:

Last but not the least, find a credible packaging company! Once you’re done listing down your requirements, setting your budget, and collecting customer demographics, it’s time to discover a packaging company that can help you get boxes of your preferred designs.

Here’re some tips that can help you find a perfect packaging partner:

  • Find packaging experts and make a list of their suggested custom packaging companies.
  • Visit different packaging companies’ offices and choose the one that serves you well.
  • Check whether they’ve skilled graphic designers on board or not.
  • Make sure they use the CMYK printing technique, only then you would get colourful designs of your choice on the packaging boxes.
  • Ensure that their customer reviews are enriched with a boatload of happy customers.

While keeping all the tips in mind, you can easily find a trustworthy packaging company. Tell your packaging brand what type of designs you want and if you have a design sample, make sure to show them. If your chosen company is credible, they would do their best to create custom packaging boxes that fit your requirements.

Final Words!

Designs are the hearts of your packaging boxes. Without attractive colors and infographics, you won’t be able to attract customers, drive more sales, and promote your brand. So, follow all the steps discussed above if you’re serious about choosing a perfect design for your packaging boxes!