The Impact of Good Packaging on Customers

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: May 22, 2021
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging UK
  • Category: Blog

The packaging industry has come a long way from where it started. Initially purposed for carrying and delivering products safely, the packaging is now used for more than what it did before. Product packaging has now become a marketing tool for businesses big or small, an undeniable and highly profitable fact. Retailers are using the opportunity of great packaging and unboxing experience to give consumers the thrill of their shopping experience. This thrill brings the customers to the selling shop time and again which results in customer loyalty.

Research has improved everything in the common world and packaging is an included element as well. We shall discuss the impact of a good packaging attempt on customers in this blog and how it can influence sales:

Tidy Boxes Represent Tidy Brands:

Research shows 7 out of 10 customers agree upon the fact that packaging is an influence on buying choice. This means most of the customers judge a brand by the packaging they see. When your offer to your customers is tidy, organized, and clean packaging, your customers perceive your brand as an organized one. By organized packaging, we mean one that does not produce rattling sounds when moved around. It is best to create a separate compartment for each element included in the packaging. For instance, a brand is selling a skincare pack of products or a set of hair care products. The best way to put all the different product types in a single box is to make a separate compartment for each to make the packaging look tidier.

Great Branding Increases Box value:

Branding refers to the colours, symbols, graphics, and logo that you choose to put on your packaging that is associated with your brand. Great branding comes from the proper use of such elements in your packaging design and creating aesthetically and visually pleasing boxes. The more attractive your packaging boxes are the more difficult it is for customers to throw them away. If customers keep your boxes, they will serve as reminders of your brand, and the customers are bound to come back for shopping again.

Unboxing Increases Excitement:

The internet has been filled with videos and content related to product unboxing. These contents start trending on the internet really fast which helps in the popularity of your products. The unboxing phenomenon is entertaining in part because of the products and in part because of the creative packaging. A good packaging box creates excitement around the products as well which hypes the customers into buying.

Some brands add inserts to their boxes to enhance the unboxing experience and it shows how the unboxing experience can be created with more than just the box.

Giving More Than Expected:

Some brands choose to give customers packaging that is more than what the customers expected, this creates a sense of gratitude and dedication. Customers always appreciate getting more than what they expected; it comes as a surprise and encourages them to shop again from your brand. Most brands use this technique to acquire customer loyalty and it works almost all the time.